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作者:   来源:      发布日期:2018-03-30   浏览:

杨庆旦Yang Qingdan副教授



联系方式:电话:18818803691 立博博彩qdyang@gdut.立博博彩.cn




杨庆旦,女,博士,副教授,2013年10月毕业于香港城市大学,2013年10月至2015年6月,在香港城市大学做博士后研究,2015年6月至2017年4月在香港纳米及先进材料研发院有限公司从事大面积钙钛矿太阳能电池的研发工作,2017年9月至2017年11月以研究助理教授的身份在南方科技大学从事研究工作,2017年12月作为广东工业大学“青年百人计划A类”引进人才加入轻工化工学院。到目前为止,在Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, J. Mater. Chem. A,等权威期刊发表SCI论文46篇。


2002/09-2006/06, 中南民族大学,化学与材料学院,应用化学学士









2013 Research Tuition Scholarship 2012-13

2012 The College of Science and Engineering Student Research Excellence Awards2011/12



钙钛矿太阳能电池器件的组装及性能优化,广东工业大学“青年百人”,2018-2023, 20万,主持




1.Qingdan Yang,Yuanhang Cheng, Ho-Wa Li, Zhiqiang Guan, Binbin Yu, Jia Li and Sai-Wing Tsang,GrapheneOxide as Efficient Hole Transporting Material for High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Stability. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017,DOI: 10.1039/c7ta01752a.

2.Qingdan Yang, Howa Li, Yuanhang Cheng, Tszwai Ng, Chun-Sing Lee and Sai-Wing Tsang,Probing the Energy Level Alignment and the Correlation with Open-Circuit Voltage in Solution-Processed Polymeric Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Devices. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016,8: p.7283-7290.

3.Qingdan Yang, Yuanhang Cheng, Ho-Wa Li, Jiang Liu, Sin-Hang Cheung, Shu-Kong So, Ka-Wai Wong, Woon-Ming Lau and Sai-Wing Tsang,Locking the morphology with a green, fast and efficient physical cross-linking approach for organic electronic applications,Organic Electronics, 2016,28: p. 53-58.

4.Qingdan Yang,Hongtao Xue, Xia Yang, Zhiqiang Guan, Yuanhang Cheng, Sai-Wing Tsang and Chun-Sing Lee,Low Temperature Sonochemical Synthesis of Morphology Variable MoO3Nanostructures for Performance Enhanced Lithium Ion Battery Applications.Electrochimica Acta, 2015,185: p. 83-89

5.Qingdan Yang,Weidong Dou,Chundong Wang, Hinwai Mo, Mingfai Lo, MukFung Yuen, Tszwai Ng, Wenjun Zhang, Sai-Wing Tsang and Chun-Sing Lee,Effects of GrapheneDefecton ElectronicStructures of Its Interface with Organic Semiconductor.Applied physics Letters 2015,106: p, 133502.

6.Yuanhang Cheng+,Qingdan Yang+, Howa Li, Zhiqiang Guan and Sai-Wing Tsang,Decomposition of organometal halide perovskite films on zinc oxide nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2015,7(36), p 19986-19993.

7.QingdanYang,TszWai Ng,MingFai Lo,FengYun Wang,Ning-Bew WongandChun-Sing Lee,Effect of Water and Oxygen on the Electronic Structure of the Organic Photovoltaic.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012.116(20): p. 10982-10985.

8.Qingdan Yang,Tszwai Ng,Mingfai Lo,Ning-Bew WongandChun-Sing Lee,Enhanced Storage/Operation Stability of Small Molecule Organic Photovoltaics Using Graphene Oxide Interfacial Layer.Organic Electronics, 2012.13(12): p. 3220-3225.

9.Weidong Dou,Qingdan YangandChun-Sing Lee,Anisotropic Film Growth of Iron-Phthalocyanine on Graphene on a Ni(111) Substrate: Roles of Molecule-Substrate and Intermolecular Interaction,Applied Physics Letters 2013.102, 131606.

10.Weidong Dou,Qingdan Yang, andChun-Sing Lee,The Effects of Oxygen on Controlling the Number of Carbon Layers in the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene on a Nickel Substrate.Nanotechnology, 2013.24(18), 185603.

11.Weidong Dou,Qingdan Yang, andChun-Sing Lee,Influences of Ion-Induced Defects on Growth of Copper-Phthalocyanine Film on Graphene Substrates.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012.116(36): p. 19278-19284.

12.Xia Yang,Qingdan Yang, Jun Xu and Chun-Sing Lee,Bimetallic PtPd Nanoparticles on Nafion-Graphene Film as Catalyst for Ethanol Electro-Oxidation.Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012.22(16): p. 8057-8062.

13.Gang Xu,Qingdan Yang, Fengyun Wang, Wenfeng Zhang, Yongbing Tang,Ning-Bew Wong,Shuit-Tong Lee,Wen-Jun ZhangandChun-Sing Lee,Core/Sheath Organic Nanocable Constructed with a Master-Slave Molecular Pair for Optically Switched Memories.Advanced Materials, 2011.23(43): p. 5059-5063.

14.Fengyun Wang,Qingdan Yanget al.,Highly Active and Enhanced Photocatalytic Silicon Nanowire Arrays.Nanoscale, 2011.3(8): p. 3269-3276.

15.Suting Han, Ye Zhou,Qingdan Yang, Chun-Sing Lee and V. A. L. Roy,Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/Gold Nanoparticle Hybrid System with an Enhanced Photoresponse for Light Controlled Electronic Devices, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2013.30(7): p. 599-605.

16.Jun Xu, Xia Yang,Qingdan Yang, Tailun Wong and Chun-Sing Lee,Arrays of CdSe Sensitized ZnO/ZnSe Nanocables for Efficient Solar Cells with High Open-Circuit Voltage.Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012.22(26): p. 13374-13379.

17.Tszwai Ng, Mingfai Lo,Qingdan Yang, Mankeung Fung and Chun-Sing Lee,Near-Infrared Electric Power Generation Through Sub-Energy-Gap Absorption in an Organic-Inorganic Composite.Advanced Functional Materials, 2012.22(14): p. 3035-3042.

18.Jun Xu, Xia Yang,Qingdan Yang, Tailun Wong and Chun-Sing Lee,Cu2ZnSnS4Hierarchical Microspheres as an Effective Counter Electrode Material for Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2012.116(37): p. 19718-19723.

19.Zengtao Liu, Haibo Wang,Qingdan Yang, Tszwai Ng, Mingfai Lo, Ningbew Wong and Chun-Sing Lee,Effects of Rubrene Mixing on the Electronic Structures of Donor/Acceptor Interface in Organic Photovoltaic Device.Applied Surface Science, 2011.257(20): p. 8462-8464.

20.Yuanhang Cheng, Ho-Wa Li, Jinfeng Zhang,Qing-Dan Yang, Taili Liu, Zhiqiang Guan, Jian Qing, Chun-Sing Lee, and Sai-Wing Tsang,Spectroscopic study on the impact of methylammonium iodide loading time on the electronic properties in perovskite thin films, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016,4, p. 561.

